用英语介绍一道菜的制作过程 作文1. Cut the tomatoes into decent slices.2. Crack two eggs into a bowl and beat with an egg beater until egg yolk is fully mixed with the egg whites.3. Heat a pan on the stove for about one minute.4. Add about two tea spoons of cooking oil and wait for the oil to heat up.5. Pour the tomatoes into the pan, fry it briefly.6. Add a tea spoon of sugar before removing the tomatoes from the pan.7. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and fry until eggs turn solid.8. Pour the tomatoes in again and stir them together.9. Add flavouring.10. Take eggs and tomatoes out when they look well cooked.用英语写一段美食的制作方法reference to a recipe: ingredients: 1 yellow croaker, onions, ginger, garlic method: 1, to get a clean yellow croaker internal organs, to scale, cut flowers knife, stand-by. 2 heat the oil to the pot a little, put the fish fry on both sides of a smell of fish fried to 3, then add onions, ginger, garlic (garlic to put some more) and other spices, add water just diffuse over fish, pour the soy sauce 4 , kai guo a fire after a small, slowly through the thick soup, fish, cooked onion foam discharge point to mention taste, pan.选择自己喜欢的一道菜介绍给大家,并把他的制作方法说清楚 作文400字炒挂面青龙职中 侯 铭炒挂面,你可能会指着我的鼻子说:“笨蛋,傻瓜!挂面怎么炒?”但是,如果你品尝过我的价廉物美的炒挂面后,你一定会翘起拇指说:“妙极了!”如果,你想当一个小小的家庭厨师,学习炒挂面技术的话,那,今天我就给你当一次师傅。虽然我还没有评上厨师的职称,但我还是不怕冒“王婆卖瓜”的臭名,要说一句:“我的炒挂面技术OK!”好了,现在我为你讲解炒挂面的技术。 首先作好准备工作。称出半斤挂面;将两个鲜蛋打在碗中,用筷子调匀,可少放些盐;把半肥瘦的猪肉三两,切成长3厘米厚、宽0.5厘米的条形;用水豆粉把瘦肉拌好;再准备些味精、酱油、香油、小葱。 然后是蒸挂面。将挂面平摊在蒸隔上,水开后放入锅中,蒸3—5分钟,六成熟即可。不宜蒸得太久,挂面蒸熟后,就会成团,不好炒。挂面蒸好后,取出,晾开,切成二至三节备用。 第三步呢,是煎蛋皮。
把锅内的水除去,将锅烧辣,把鸡蛋煎成蛋皮,注意蛋皮不要太厚。蛋皮煎好后,切成肉丝粗细的条形备用。 最后当然是炒挂面了。先将肥肉放入锅里炒,若油少,可添加少量猪油。再倒入瘦肉,瘦肉爆开后,放入挂面。合炒两三分钟后,加入蛋丝。再炒一下,加入作料。再炒一下,铲起,炒挂面就做成了。 这炒挂面,淡黄的挂面、金黄的蛋皮、浅褐的肉条、翠绿雪白的葱、橙红的汁,色彩和谐极了,而且还香味扑鼻。
啊,还差点忘了告诉你,刚起锅的炒挂面温度可高了,你可别急着去品尝呀,不然,舌头上会留下贪吃的记号的。 啊,你笑了,你以为这下就学到手了。殊不知,本师傅还留有一手呢!告诉你,在拌瘦肉时,若加入少许白糖,那炒出来的挂面,味儿就更美了。将来,如果可能,我要开个“侯铭饭庄”。那时,如果你光临敝庄,我一定亲手做份炒挂面,请你品尝,一文不收。老同学,你可一定要来啊!初二英语作文 某种食物的制作方法意大利肉酱面 An old favorite from Italy. Serve withfresh bread and a green salad. 一款来自意大利的传统美食,与新鲜面包和蔬菜色拉搭配食用。 Ingredients: 原料:olive oil 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves of garlic, chopped 500 grams of minced beef 1 tin of tomatoes 2 small tins of tomato puree 1 tablespoon of dried oregano some fresh basil, chopped pepper to taste parmesan cheese, grated half a packet of spaghetti salt to taste 橄榄油 一只洋葱,剁碎 两瓣大蒜,剁碎 500克绞牛肉 一听西红柿 两小听西红柿泥 一汤匙干牛至 新鲜罗勒少许,剁碎 胡椒粉 帕尔马干酪,搓碎 半包意大利面条 盐What you need: 烹饪用具:chopping boardsharp knifetin opener2 saucepanscheese grater 砧板快刀开罐器炖锅两只干酪礤床Directions: 制作方法:Bolognese sauce:Pour a small amount of olive oil in asaucepan. Add chopped onions and garlic.Cook until soft. Add minced beef to thesaucepan and brown. Cook for 10 minutes.Add tin tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano,basil and pepper. Cook on a low heat for20 minutes.Spaghetti:Boil water in a saucepan. Add a little saltto the water. When water is boiling, addspaghetti. Cook spaghetti until soft. 肉酱:往炖锅里倒入少量橄榄油。加剁碎的洋葱和 大蒜,煮烂。
往炖锅里加入绞牛肉,加热直 到牛肉呈褐色。煮十分钟。加入西红柿、西 红柿泥、牛至、罗勒和胡椒粉。低火煮20分 钟即可。意大利面条:往炖锅里倒入水,加少许盐。待水沸腾后,放入意大利面条。面条煮至柔软即可。Serve: 装盘:Put spaghetti on a plate. Add sauce ontop of the spaghetti. Sprinkle parmesancheese on the sauce. 先将意大利面条放入盘子,然后浇上肉酱,最后往肉酱里撒帕尔马干酪。