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admin 美食养生 2021-04-27 10:33:02 349 0


第1层主食类: 减肥时可以用五谷米或燕麦或糙米,来取代一般常吃的白米或面粉制品。 第2层蔬果类: 水果大约控制在2份,蔬菜至少3份以上,蔬果主要提供维生素,矿物质及纤维质,可以改善便秘,对于减肥有很大的帮助。 第3层蛋白质类: 包含奶制品,可预防骨胳疏松;肉鱼豆蛋类,可以提供优质蛋白质及矿物质。 第4层油脂类: 控制在2汤匙,可以帮助减肥时脂溶性维生素的吸收,维持正常生理机能,可以延长胃排空的速度,降低饥饿感。 对于减肥的人,越在金字塔上方的食物,要吃得越少。减肥并不是拼命节食不吃,只要按照着饮食金字塔合理份量来吃,也可以达到均衡饮食摄取到营养素,享受愉快的减肥成效。


Fill half your plate with produce—colorful vegetables, the more varied the better, and fruits. 把一半的盘子装满彩色的蔬菜,越多越好,水果就越多。 Remember, potatoes and French fries don't count as vegetables! 记住,土豆和薯条不算蔬菜! Save a quarter of your plate for whole grains. 把四分之一的盘子保存在全谷物上。 A healthy source of protein, such as fish, poultry, beans, or nuts, can make up the rest. 健康的蛋白质来源,如鱼、家禽、豆类或坚果,可以弥补其余的。 The glass bottle is a reminder to use healthy oils, like olive and canola, in cooking, on salad, and at the table. 玻璃瓶是提醒使用健康的油,如橄榄和油菜,烹饪,沙拉,和在桌子上。


There are better alternatives: the new Healthy Eating Plate and the Healthy Eating Pyramid, both built by faculty members in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, in conjunction with colleagues at Harvard Health Publications. The Healthy Eating Plate fixes the flaws in USDA's MyPlate, just as the Healthy Eating Pyramid rectifies the mistakes of the USDA's food pyramids. Both the Healthy Eating Plate and the Healthy Eating Pyramid are based on the latest science about how our food, drink, and activity choices affect our health—and are unaffected by businesses and organizations with a stake in their messages. The Healthy Eating Pyramid Click to enlarge The Healthy Eating Pyramid is a simple, trustworthy guide to choosing a healthy diet. Its foundation is daily exercise and weight control, since these two related elements strongly influence your chances of staying healthy. The Healthy Eating Pyramid builds from there, showing that you should eat more foods from the bottom part of the pyramid (vegetables, whole grains) and less from the top (red meat, refined grains, potatoes, sugary drinks, and salt). When it’s time for dinner, most of us eat off of a plate. So think of the new Healthy Eating Plate as blueprint for a typical meal: Fill half your plate with produce—colorful vegetables, the more varied the better, and fruits. (Remember, potatoes and French fries don't count as vegetables!) Save a quarter of your plate for whole grains. A healthy source of protein, such as fish, poultry, beans, or nuts, can make up the rest. The glass bottle is a reminder to use healthy oils, like olive and canola, in cooking, on salad, and at the table. Complete your meal with a cup of water, or if you like, tea or coffee with little or no sugar (not the milk or other dairy products that the USDA’s MyPlate recommends; limit milk/dairy products to one to two servings per day). And that figure scampering across the bottom of the placemat? It’s your reminder that staying active is half of the secret to weight control. The other half is eating a healthy diet with modest portions that meet your calorie needs—so be sure you choose a plate that is not too large. 文章来自哈佛大学网站


应该保证一日三餐吃热、吃饱、吃好,三餐不合理,健康远离你。物无美恶,过则为灾;满足食物“金字塔结构”,即百分之五十谷类豆类食品,百分之三十新鲜应季蔬菜类食品,百分之十五鱼、肉、蛋类食品,百分之五油脂类食品。 注意细嚼慢咽;


原发布者:坏不起苦b 科学饮食拥抱健康演讲稿随着科技的飞速发展,人们的物质生活水平越来越高,“衣食无忧”的人们对于食品安全与营养也越来越重视。随着物质生活的改善,很多家庭把鸡、鸭、鱼、肉……等荤菜当成主食。虽然说荤菜能够给我们补充蛋白质、脂肪等人类所需求的物质,但是光吃荤菜是不行的,君不见,现实生活中的“大肥头”和“小胖墩”越来越多了。萝卜白菜等素菜虽价廉但物美,它含有维生素等对人体有益的物质,对我们身体起着至关重要的作用。因此,我们不仅要吃荤菜,还应该多吃素菜。只有荤素搭配着吃,才能有益我们的健康。近代文学家梁启超说:“少年进步则国进步,少年强则国强,中华民族的腾飞正在吾辈。”同学们,我们肩负着中华崛起的重任,我们青少年素质的高低关系着祖国的未来,我们必须体魄健壮,意志坚强,品质高尚,志向远大!但有项青少年体质健康监测报告表明:青少年耐力、力量、速度等体能指标持续下降,视力不良居高不下.在我们身边,有的同学奔跑就气喘;有的一上楼就腿软;有的一变天就感冒;有的甚至在阳光下集会也会晕倒在地上。这样的体质,怎能像雄鹰展翅飞翔?这样的体质,明天怎能挑起祖国建设的大梁?俗话说生命在于运动,青少年正处于身体发育的重要时期,体育锻炼不仅可以增强人的体力,使身体的各个器官及其机能得到锻炼和发展,使肌肉和筋骨得到锻炼,还可以增强我们的体质,提高我们的运动技能,锻炼我们坚强的意志。而如今中小学生的饮食健康


晚餐米饭(100克);红烩牛肉:牛肉(100克)胡萝卜(100克);马兰香干:马兰头(100克),香干(50克)米苋菜(100克) 晚餐米饭(100克);虾仁豆腐:虾(100克),豆腐(150克);香菇菜心:青菜(150克),香菇(50克);粟米羹:鲜粟米粒(50克),鸡蛋(50克),肉末(15克),淀粉(10克) 晚餐木耳炒鱼片:黑木耳(50克),青鱼中段(100克);炒肉片:茭白(50克),猪瘦肉(50克),胡萝卜(25克),青椒(50克),香菇(25克);凉拌黄瓜(75克);米饭(100克) 早餐牛奶冲麦片:牛奶一瓶(250毫升),麦片(50克);肉包子1个(50克);葡萄(100克)



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