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admin 美食养生 2021-03-31 15:52:06 326 0


  美食家的评论:  从某种程度上来说,批评家的工作是简单的。我们不用冒什么风险,带着高高在上的优越感来对他人的工作和名誉评头论足。我们从那种东西写起来好写而读起来也很有趣的否定批评中赢得自己的名誉。然而我们评论家们所需要面对的残酷的事实是即使是一道最普通的菜肴或许都比我们那一纸空谈要有意义得多。  而一个批评家真正冒险的时刻是他发现并决定保护一个新秀的时候。因为这个世界总是对于一个年轻的天才,一项新颖的创造或者一个需要被鼓励的新需求充满着敌意。

  昨天晚上,我从一个出乎我意料的厨师那里尝到了一道新的超乎寻常的美味。这道美味和制作它的厨师都战胜了在这之前我对美食那极端肤浅的看法。他们颠覆了我对美食的认知。  过去,我曾对古斯特的名句“任何人都能烹饪”毫不加掩饰的施以轻蔑和嘲讽。但是直到如今,我才真正明白他这句话真正的含义:并不是所有从事某一行的人的人都能最终成为伟大的艺术家,但是一个伟大的艺术家却能够来自于从事与这一行业的任何地方。很难想象现在在古斯特饭店里掌勺的可以说是巴黎最好的大厨竟然有着那么卑微的身世。  我还将重返古斯特饭店,带着更多的期待和一副饥肠。  In a way the workof a critic is easy.We risk us little and we have pleasure evaluating with superiority the ones that submit us your work and reputation we win fame with negative criticisms which are fun of write and to read.But the hard reality that we critical should face it is just that in the picture general in excess simple filth perhaps be more significant than our criticism.  But times a critic it risks in fact something as when it defends and it discovers a novelty.The world is used to be hostileto the new talents,the new creations,the new needs to be encouraged  Yesterday by night I tried something newan extraordinary dish of an unexpectedly singular source.Tell that both the dish and who did itthey defy my perception about gastronomy is extremely superficial.They managed to shake my structure.  In the past I did not do secrethow much my disdain by the famous slogan of the boss Gusteau Anyone it can cook.But I realize that only now I comprehend really what he meant: Neither all of them they can become great artists,But a great artist can come of anywhere!  It is difficult to imagine the humblest origin of this genius that now cooks in the Gusteau's Which is in the opinion of this critic nothing less than the best boss of France.  I will come back to Gusteau's,soon with much hunger.  -----------------------补充  Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.  胆小的人做不出精湛的美食  * You must be imaginative,  strong hearted.  只要有想像力,还要有决心  * You must try things that may not work.  千万不要怕失败  And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from.  也不要因为出身低就让别人限制了你发展的机会  Your only limit is your soul.  你的成败在于你的心  What I say is true. Anyone can cook.But only the fearless can be great.  我说的是真话 任何人都可以烹饪。




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